Here in Minnesota, on the hottest of days the horizon often has a hazy shimmer where everything far off seems a bit blurry. And in the middle of these dog days of summer, weirdly enough, my days and activites feel like a blur, too. Life seems to be especially busy and at work I am seeing a full caseload that keeps me focused on the present. The fall can feel so far away and but a distant, foggy destination lost in that hazy horizon.
Still, in those spare moments late in the evenings, and on an occasional random Saturday I find my thoughts have drifted to October… October 21st, to be exact. On this day I will be hosting a virtual couples retreat. We will be discussion so many topics that affect couples everywhere. While this retreat is designed with married couples in mind, if only one of you can make it, that’s okay! You will receive so much great stuff to bring back to your relationship.

I will be teaching alongside some of the best in the coaching and therapy fields. We will be covering topics around communication, conflict, intimacy, relationship wounds, kids, money, motherhood, and more. More information is coming, but for now, block off your calendar on Oct 21st, from 8 am to 3 pm. Quite frankly, I am so excited for this, and I really hope to see you there! It has been a dream of mine to support as many relationships as I can. The better our relationships are, the better our families, communities, and connections become.
