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The First Annual Virtual Couples Retreat for Enhanced Communication 

October 21st, 2023 From 8 AM to 3 PM CST
Relight your love
through increased connection, communication, and intimacy with the 1st annual Revive & Thrive Virtual Couples Retreat

Are you tired or frustrated with your current relationship? Does it feel like you and your partner go around and around, and just can’t get along? Maybe you get along fine, but there are topics that every time they come up, they bring pain and distance. You want to feel connected and know how to express yourself without things escalating, but you’re just not sure how.


The Revive & Thrive Couples Retreat is the most comprehensive one-day communication retreat for couples just like you! At the end of the retreat, you will understand each other better, express yourself more effectively and navigate conflicts and hard topics with compassion and respect. You will be equipped with  new tools and will have the ability to strengthen your relationship and intimacy. You will learn how to reach the feeling of love and closeness you want.


Sign up

     By the end of this one-day virtual retreat, you will be   equipped with the skills to:​​​

  • Express yourself  and navigate through conflict or any of the hard topics that come up in your life with compassion and respect.

  • Communicate and stay connected through grief, loss or hard circumstances.

  • Repair and reconnect after mistrust in your relationship.

  • Build a secure bond so your relationship will last.

  • Stop the cycles of pain, frustration, and distance.

  • Create a relationship that is stronger and deeper than it ever was before.

  • Have the communication skills needed for a successful relationship.

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Meet the Speaker Line-Up

This retreat will be for couples from all walks of life and every single level of love or disconnect. Each speaker has their own area of dedication, expertise and passion.  They will guide you through the pain points in your relationship with new tools and exercises specifically designed to improve your communication skills.  Inside this retreat you will be guided through workshops, exercises, and talks specifically designed to improve your communication skills. You will learn the skills you need transform your marriage.

Change Your Relationship, In A Day, For A Lifetime

Its time to block out the calendar and sign up for a day of love, learning, and connection. 


You can absolutely make it a date- day and tune-in with your partner on this,  but it really only takes you. You can change the communication pattern that is keeping you apart. You can change the relationship, all on your own, with or without your partner's buy-in. Don't miss out on the love that is inside your relationship. The saddest thing I see in relationships today is those couples who love each other so much, but fail to communicate it in a way that the other person can feel. Ultimately, this relationship falls apart. Make sure you aren't one of these couples.


Learn how to open up the love that you have for each other through clear and direct communication.


Don’t settle for the disconnect, take action to create the relationship you desire. One that is better, stronger, and more deeply in love than ever. If you don't take action, nothing will change! Your relationship affects so many people outside of yourself. Do this for them. But also, do this for you. You deserve a secure, connected, and loving relationship and your relationship is worth this time and attention.


Will there be a replay?


Yes, you will have access to a recording of this event for 1 week after it is complete! If you want access after a week the replays will be saved inside of our Connected Couple Campus

Is there an in-person option?

Not this year! In the future we may look to expand this into an in-person event.  In the meantime, you can look forward to attending this event from the comforts of your home, or maybe you can get out on a day date with your partner!

Does my spouse need to attend?

The best couples work is always individual work. So if your spouse isn't able or interested in attending you will leave with direction and tools to create the connection you are looking for in your relationship!

Still have questions?

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